Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent” - Victor Hugo
At Hermitage Primary School our long term vision for music ensures that all pupils:
- enjoy a rich experience in music and the creative and performing arts
- has the opportunity to learn and perform on a musical instrument and be part of a thriving choir and orchestra
- develop an understanding of how the historical, cultural and social origins of music contribute to the diversity of musical styles
- have the confidence in their music knowledge and ability, whether it be through perfomance or expresssing opinions
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” - Plato
Click here to view the National Curriculum for Music
“Music can change the world because it can change people.” - Bono
At Hermitage Primary School, children are given a range of musical experiences during the seven years they are with us, usually taught by the class teacher and a music specialist (Year 5 and Year 6).
Singing is an important part of school life and the children in both key stages meet once a week to sing together as well as together in their class as part of their music lessons and cross-curricular work.
We also have a Key Stage 2 choir which represents our school many times throughout the year at community events.
Throughout the school the children's musical skills are developed, they are encouraged to lead and play as part of a group, right from the beginning.
Hermitage Primary School takes part in the Wider Opportunities Music scheme through The Love Music Trust music hub. Every child in Year 5 borrows a brass instrument at the beginning of the year, they would then have ownership of it for two years. Each week the children play and learn together over a two year programme. Over this time a majority of the children make great progress, both individually and playing as part of a group. Some go on to continue with their musical tuition in secondary school and beyond.
The teaching is delivered a brass tutor, Mr Nick Birch, (from The Love Music Trust - LMT). The Year 6 children play at some local events, including the Cheshire Show and performing with the Hallé Orchestra.
It is a very exciting way to implement the music curriculum at this stage, the children learn how to read and play music, follow a conductor and perform together. The project has been made possible thanks to the support of the Hermitage PTFA
Here are just some of the many positive comments the children have said about the initiative:
“It’s great and a really fun way to learn music.”
“It’s great to have the opportunity to play a musical instrument.”
“It’s ‘fantastic’!”
“I’m really enjoying it.”
Choir performances
This term the school choir will be performing at:
The Christmas fair.
Other music at Hermitage:
We are very lucky to have peripatetic music teachers at Hermitage, offering a range of instrumental tuition.
Current instrumental lesson opportunities include:
guitar, flute, piano, keyboard, recorder, brass
The children who have lessons are given the opportunity, and are encouraged, to perform for others in assemblies, for their class and at the annual music concert.