Subject Leader: Mr S Torrie
"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."- Buddha
At Hermitage Primary School, our long term vision for PE ensures that all pupils...
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
Click here to see the Nationa Curriculum for PE.
We follow the scheme of work created by GetSet4PE in our PE lessons.
Children at Hermitage take part in a varied range of sports within class PE lessons, as well as clubs, intra-school and inter-school competitions.
At Hermitage, the teaching of PE is delivered by the class teacher. Across the EYFS and KS1 PE curriculum, the children are constantly developing their skills in order to become incresaingly competent and confident. They are given opportunities to engage in competitive activities as well as working as part of a team. They are taught basic movements that include rumming, jumping throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and coordination - they are then able to explore and apply these skills in a range of acivities.
In Key Stage 2, the PE teaching helps to develop speed, flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance. Children will have the opportunity to learn how to evaluate and recognise their successes, as well as seeking ways to improve. A range of sports are covered in half termly units, allowing children to apply these skills within a given context.
In KS2 all children have the opportunity to take part in residential visits, these range from 2-5 days in duration. During these visits the children have the chance to take part in different activities - eg. dance in Y3, hiking in Y4, outward bound activities in Ys 5/6. During these activites the children are encouraged to challenge themselves and many comment on how their confidence has improved and how they are more willing to have a go.
Some comments after the Y6 Min y Don residential:
"...It really boosted my confidence."
"...On the high ropes, I was scared of heights but after the instructor encouraged me I was able to do it and conquer my fear."
Swimming in Key Stage 2
All children in Year 6 are assessed and those that are not at the standard expected by the end of KS2 take part in focused weekly swimming lessons during the Summer Term. These take place at Sandbach Leisure Centre and are delivered by swimming coaches. The Year 6 class teacher has completed Level 1 swimming.
Extra-curricular opportunities include tournaments against local schools in cross country, football, netball, hockey, tag-rugby, swimming, rounders, cricket, athletics, new-age kurling and boccia.
Play Leaders
Some children in Year 6 are play leaders during lunch time. The idea is to give the older children the opportunities and skills to lead and organise games and activities with the younger children - they are supported by Mrs Whelan, our mid-day play-leader supervisor. The leadership skills they develop doing this are very beneficial as they make the transition into Year 7, some going on to becoming Sportsleaders.