Art and Design
Subject Leader: Mrs H Ross
At Hermitage Primary School our long term vision for art and design ensures that all pupils:
- experience a wide range of techniques which includes opportunities to develop skills and knowledge.
- develop a mastery in drawing, painting, sculpture and textile.
- evaluate and analyse their own work, that of their peers and famous artists and designers.
- know about great artists, craft makers and designers, making links to the historical and cultural context of their work.
Click here to see the National Curriculum for Art and Design.
At Hermitage we have developed a bespoke scheme of work which is taught across the whole school . This scheme ensures that, throughout their time at Hermitage, children participate in a range of Art and Design projects, which incorporate drawing, painting, sculpture and textiles whilst learning and developing new skills.
Our Pupil Voice: What is Art?
"Art is painting and drawing and making pictures."
"It's about colour and shapes. You put those things together to make a piece of art."
"Art isn't just paintings. Art can be sewing or some clay work."
"Art is having a go in your sketchbooks to try out your ideas."
"You can change your art. It doesn't have to be how you first wanted it to be. It's ok to change your mind."
"Art tells a story."
Our art education provides all our pupils with a rich, engaging curriculum that develops their abilities to respond, imagine and create.
"Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."