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What to do if...

  • My child is unwell and I need to report an absence

    Contact the school office on the morning of the absence (ideally before 9am) either by telephone or by email. Mrs Bevan will make a note on the register.

  • I need to change the end of day arrangements for my child

    Phone the school office. You may be asked to put the change in writing, particularly if it relates to the school bus or Happy Days/Kids Club – this is so that we have a written record of the change as the bus/after school places are pre-booked. If it is a change to Happy Days arrangements, you also need to contact the provider directly yourself.

  • I would like to know more about homework

    The class website pages tell you what the routine homework is.  Each class page also has a timetable for the week that tells you what the homework for the week is.  Lots of policies are online on our school website – have a look and get in touch with school either by email or phone if you can’t find what you are looking for.

    Reception Class Page: http://www.hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk/cheshire/primary/hermitage/site/pages/aboutus/classes/reception

    Year One Class Page: http://www.hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk/cheshire/primary/hermitage/site/pages/aboutus/classes/year1

    Year Two Class Page: http://www.hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk/cheshire/primary/hermitage/site/pages/aboutus/classes/year2

    Year Three Class Page: http://www.hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk/cheshire/primary/hermitage/site/pages/aboutus/classes/year3

    Year Four Class Page: http://www.hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk/cheshire/primary/hermitage/site/pages/aboutus/classes/year4

    Year Five Class Page: http://www.hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk/cheshire/primary/hermitage/site/pages/aboutus/classes/year5

    Year Six Class Page: http://www.hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk/cheshire/primary/hermitage/site/pages/aboutus/classes/year6

  • I have a query or a concern about my child's classwork or homework - e.g. spellings.

    Email the office and they will forward the email to the relevant teacher. You don’t have to explain everything in the email – you can request for the teacher to call you or request a meeting with the classteacher.

    Please bear in mind that teachers are not able to access emails while they are teaching. If it is something urgent then another option is to phone the school office and request that the member of staff rings you back when they are avaiable.

  • Something happened last night that might impact on my child the next day

    This information can either be passed on to the member of staff on the gate or, if you ask to pop into school before the day starts (ie before 8:45am) then you can pass that information straight to the class teacher. If you need longer than a quick chat please make this known – if a longer meeting is urgent then you will be offered a meeting with Mrs Ross or Mrs Cox (deputy) or Mrs Pitts (SENCo) as all teaching staff have class responsibility from 8:45am. If you neeed a longer chat but it is not urgent, please arrange a meeting at the end of the day, through the school office.

  • I need to know the term dates

    These are on the school website.


  • I need a holiday absence request form

    These are available to download from the school website.


    Also on the website you will be able to find guidance about exceptional circumstances. As a school we promote being at school over and above most other actitives during term time. Even though you may feel that a family trip to Centre Parks will be educational, to us, school is still the first priority for your child. There are very few exceptional circumstances – please see the website. This is Government policy and the Governors have discussed and agreed the information on the website. Please remember also that fines are in place (issued by the Local Authority) for holidays in term time.

  • I am worried that my child is being bullied

    Email the office to request the class teacher calls you to arrange a meeting with you. You don’t have to explain everything in the email – you can request for the teacher to call you or request a meeting with the class teacher. All concerns are taken seriously and are investigated. You will be contacted again to discuss the outcomes and resolutions.

  • My child is unhappy at school

    Email the office to request the class teacher calls you to arrange a meeting with you. It is helpful in preparation for the meeting for you to have had a chat with your child about what the reasons for this are. It is our priority that children are happy in school so let us know sooner rather than later and we can work together to make things better.

  • My child is finding the work too easy or too hard

    Email the office and request the class teacher gets in touch with you – the teacher will be able to share your child’s books and talk about the progress they are making and why the work has been pitched at a partiular level.

  • I can't park near the school

    Unfortunately, there aren’t enough parking space near the school. Please allow time for this when you plan your journey to work. It helps if parents walk their child to school whenever possible. We do have a system for cars turning at the end of the cul-de-sac – please see the school website for a full explanation. This helps to ease some of the congestion problems. Please remember not to park where access is blocked to residents driveways/shared access drives or double park so that other vehicles can’t easily pass through.

  • My child wants a school dinner

    Children can choose to have a school dinner on a day by day basis. Infants (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are eligible for free school dinners through Univeral Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM).  For families that need to pay for school dinners, Payment is made via ParentPay – the log in details are issued when your child starts school. The menu is on the school website. The chdilren get asked each morning what their lunch arrangements are and if they are having a school dinner, what they would like from the two menu options.

  • My child wants a packed lunch

    No problem – even if your child normally has school dinners, they can bring a packed lunch. The children get asked each morning what their lunch arrangements are.

  • My child has forgotten their musical instrument (Y5/Y6/private music lessons)

    Once we realise this has happened, we call parents to see if there is a chance of it being brought in. If this isn’t possible don’t worry – but it is worth us just asking! Your child will borrow a percussion instrument if you are not able to bring it in.

  • I have a suggestion for the (e.g. reading) system in school/my child's class

    Email your suggestion to the Parent Council or school office.   The Parent Council can make suggestions and share ideas at half-termly Parent Council meetings.  We love to hear suggestions and ideas to help us improve. Please remember that there may be other reasons behind systems that are in place and staff may not be able to make all changes suggested.

  • I have heard of a great idea that is done in another school

    We love to hear new ideas - email your idea to the Parent Council or school office.   If your idea is for a fundraising or social event, please email the PTFA.  Please remember that there may be circumstances and different arrangements at other schools behind systems that are in place there, and we may not be able to make all changes suggested or be able to put in place what another school does.

  • Who should I contact?

    Office: admin@hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk or telephone 01477 532383 - absence, lateness, administration, clubs, payments, medical appointments

    Class teacher: request a call back or appointment via school admin contact (see above): behaviour, wefare, academic, bullying

    Head teacher: head@hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk - concerns re a teacher or teaching systems, whole school systems, bullying, issues that are unresolved following discussion with the class teacher on the points above

    Chair of Governors: chair@hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk - issues with school not being addressed after consulting firstly with the class teacher and then with the headteacher (see Complaints Policy on school website).

    Police:  In an emergency 999 or for non-emergency 101 - out of school incidents

    Cheshire East Children's Services: if you are concerned about a child out of school or incidents outside of school involving the welfare of a child.  You can also ring the NSPCC to report that you have a worry about a child: 

    Phone  ChECS (Cheshire East Consultation Service) on 0300 123 5012 (option 3, option 2).Callers will be directed to a Social Worker who will take details off the caller with regard to their concerns.  The worker will gather your information and advice you of the next step.

    If you need to contact someone out of hours and you believe it to be an emergency that can't wait, please call our Emergency Duty Team on 0300 123 5022.

    NSPCC: Call 0808 800 5000  Our voice Helpline is currently available 10am–8pm Monday to Friday. You can still email help@NSPCC.org.uk or complete our report abuse online form at any time for free. If you think a child is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999 straight away

  • My child has lost an item of clothing e.g. coat or jumper in school

    We have a lost property basket near the Year 5 classroom. If you would like to look in it at the beginning or end of the day, let a member of staff know and they will let you in to have a look. Try to encourage and remind your child to have a look in the lost property themsleves too. It always surprises staff to see the number of items in lost property including new coats and jumpers. A helpful tip is to put names in new items before they are worn at school. That way, when lost property is sorted out, anything with a name in can be returned straight to the child. We love to reunite items with their owner but it is very difficult if it doesn’t have a name in!

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