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The Governing Body (Governors are also referred to as Trustees)

What do we do?

  • We help to develop and maintain a clarity of vision for the school, its aims and values, and its focus on key strategic priorities

  • We monitor and evaluate the school’s work: Ensuring policies and programmes of work are kept up to date; and holding the headteacher to account for the safeguarding and educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

  • We oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent

  • We serve as a ‘critical friend’ to the school by supporting, advising and providing challenge

Who are we?

  • Hermitage Primary School's Governing Body has a diverse mix of experiences with members drawn from parents, staff and the local community. This puts us in a strong position to help the school achieve its aim of providing the best possible education for pupils.

  • There are several categories of governor:

Parent Governors, elected by parents:

  • Sarah Collier
  • Matthew Bebbington
  • James Ede

Staff Governors, elected by the staff

  • Kathryn Davies

Co-Opted Governors, appointed by the Governing Body

  • Brian Donlon (Chair)
  • Harry Korkou (Vice Chair)
  • Alex Davidson
  • Stephen Haigh

Associate Governors, appointed by the Governing Body

  • Jill Cox (Deputy Headteacher)
  • Liz Chadwick (School Business Manager)

We are united by our commitment to provide an excellent environment for all pupils to enjoy, be safe in and learn so they achieve as much as possible.

Our governors are all volunteers who give up their time to apply their skills and experience to help support our school. All governors are appointed for a term of four years, and we are part of the largest volunteer workforce in the UK with around 370,000 governor places nationally.

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