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Our ASC Resource Provision

What we provide.

  • Pupils should be able to access some mainstream lessons and be able to learn alongside their peers; however, there are times when pupils can find spending all day and certain lessons within the mainstream classroom overwhelming and therefore they will have access to the Resource Provision classroom. 
  • Pupils within the Resource Provision are supported by a team of adults who may also provide some support within the mainstream class.
  • The Resource Provision is staffed by a team of 2/3 adults rather than 1:1 support.
  • Specialised ASC specific teaching approaches such as; TEACCH., Attention Autism , visuals, PECS and the use of the AET Progression Framework.  
  • We work closely with parents via regular communication, which may include communication book, emails, telephone calls or speaking to parents/carers at the end of the day.
  • We have a multi-disciplinary approach to learning and supporting the needs of each pupil within the Resource Provision. This includes working closely with our SALT, EP, CEAT and SPOTTS.



ASC-Autsim Spectrum Condition

RP-Resource Provision 

TA-Teaching Assistant 

TEACCH- Teaching, Expanding, Appreciating, Collaborating, Cooperating, Holistic 

SALT-Speech and Language Therapy

EP-Educational Pyschologist

CEAT- Cheshire East Autism Team  

OT-Occupational Therpist 

SPOTTS-Sensory Processing Occupational Therapy Support Service  

PECS-Picture Exchange Communication System 


What works well in our Resource Provision:

  • Visual timetables
  • Now and Next boards
  • Sensory circuits
  • Workstations
  • Start and Finish boxes
  • Reading corner
  • Attention Autism and intensive interaction.
  • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
  • Small sensory garden
  • 5 point scale
  • Sensory den
  • Social stories
  • Sensory room
  • Speech and language therapist 

Resource Provision Placements

  • Our Resource Provision (Rainbow class) has 7 places for pupils from Reception to Year 6 (4 years old to 11 years olds)
  • Pupils who have an EHCP
  • Pupils who have a diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Condition on their EHCP
  • Pupils who are on the pathway for a diagnoses stated on their EHCP

Unfortunately, we cannot accept any pupil who does not meet the above criteria.

How do I make an application for the Resource Provision?

All applications must be done through the Local Authority even if we have places parents cannot apply directly to the school for a Resource Provision place.

Step 1- If you are interested in accessing a place for your child at Hermitage Resource Provision we recommend you make a visit. You can do this by emailing Teleri Pitts, who is our SENDCo and Lead Resource Provision Teacher- senco@hermitage.cheshire.sch.uk

Step 2- Contact your SEND key worker or the SEND team from the local authority on senteam@cheshireeast.gov.uk

Step 3- Once it has been agreed by panel, the SEND team at Cheshire East will send your child’s EHCP to the SENDCo and Headteacher. The school will then read your child’s EHCP and may call your child’s setting or visit your child in their current setting. We will also consider the following:

  • Age Range: Reception to Year 6
  • All children must have an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP)
  • All children must have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC)
  • Pupils will have the ability to communicate verbally without full reliance on communication aids. They may require the use of some visuals to support communication and have speech therapy support programmes.
  • The child must be able to access some learning within the mainstream classroom on a daily basis

We will also take into consideration the following…

  • If the admission of the child would compromise the health and safety of pupils or staff within the school.
  • If the admission of the pupil would compromise or disrupt the education of pupils already in attendance.
  • The agreed number of funded places by the Local Authority is fully subscribed and admitting children over this number would be incompatible with the efficient education of other pupils or the efficient use of resources.

The SENDCo and Headteacher will then write to the Local Authority and state whether or not they can meet your child’s needs within 15 days of receipt of the EHCP.

Step 4- The local authority will contact you to let you know the outcome of the process.

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