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Year 5 2023 - 2024

Miss Smith

Homework Reminders

Spelling will be set as per usual, Friday to Thursday.  A first attempt test will take place on a Friday and a re-test will be given on a Thursday. We all aim to improve our previous score by 5 each week - if you can do that every week, that's 20 new words you can spell correctly each month!

Maths and English homework is set Friday to Friday.  This is now Century and can be accessed via https://app.century.tech/login . Please spend at least 10 minutes for English and 10 minutes for Maths studying on Century. 

Reading at home should take place at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 10 minutes. It has a massive impact on ALL of your learning. Our class library has a large variety of books and is regularly added to so there is bound to be something you like in there!  

Embedded Calendar

York Residential

On 17th - 19th April, we enjoyed an amazing visit to York and managed to squeeze in so many exciting experiences. We explored York Minster, Dig!, Clifford's Tower, Jorvik, York Dungeon, The Railway Museum, Wonderlab and even had time for a boat cruise along the River Ouse. 

We were so impressed by the children's historical knowledge and the opportunies from this visit strengthened this even further. The children also amazed us with their behaviour and attitudes, and were an absolute joy to take away. We were all very proud. 

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