Special Educational Needs and Disability
SEND Coffee Mornings
Thank you to all the parents that came to the CEIASS Coffee Morning.
SEND Newsletters
SEND Overview
At Hermitage Primary School we ensure that all pupils are included, feel valued and are inspired.
Our pupils who have addition needs make outstanding progress due to the commitment of all the staff. Class teachers and Teaching Assistants take part in a range of professional development opportunities enabling them to provide outstanding Quality First Teaching.
We follow the Cheshire East Toolkit for SEND and Teachers work closely with the SENDCo and identify needs early through a Graduated Approach to meeting need of pupils within their class.
SEND Overview
At Hermitage Primary School we ensure that all pupils are included, feel valued and are inspired.
Our pupils who have addition needs make outstanding progress due to the commitment of all the staff. Class teachers and Teaching Assistants take part in a range of professional development opportunities enabling them to provide outstanding Quality First Teaching.
We follow the Cheshire East Toolkit for SEND and Teachers work closely with the SENDCo and identify needs early through a Graduated Approach to meeting need of pupils within their class.
SEND Report/Local Offer
In July 2014, the Government published the Code of Practice, which sets out the approach and provision for Special Educational Needs. As part of this every school in England and Wales had to provide a SEN School Report, which outlines what each school has to offer when considering Special Needs. At Hermitage, we follow and use Cheshire East Local Offer.
Our School Information Report for Special Educational Needs and Disability
CEIAS-Cheshire East Information Advice Service
CEIAS is a support network for parents and they can give you advice if your child have a Special Educational Needs.
To read more about CEIAS click here.