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The Hermitage Hub 2024-2025

Miss Smith

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Dooley, Mrs Robertson and Mrs Northwood

The Pod and The Hub are our SEND and Pastoral Provision within school. Our aim is to support children with additional needs to access mainstream education, reigniting a love of learning and re-engaging with their education.

Within the Pod and Hub, we use a specilist curriculum which is tailored to individual needs. Children also access a range of interventions; such as Attention Autism, ELSA and Sensory Circuits.


Our topics for this term are:

  • Change, History and the passing of time (History Focus)
  • The seasons, change and the passing of time (Science Focus)
  • The Lifecycle of Plants and Animals (Science Focus)
  • Festivals (RE Focus)
  • Recycling (Geography Focus)
  • People (PSHE Focus)


We understand that homework can be difficult for many of our children. For that reason, our expectations regarding work at home are different. Your child still have access to Century for Maths and English, Times Table Rockstars if they would like to use this, and we can provide additional work if you feel that you child will cope with this. 

However, we still expect that you will read with your child at least 3 times a week. This can be reading a story to them, listening to an audiobook, or listening to them read a book,. newspaper, or any literary material which engages them.

For this, we will follow the whole school reading reward system and your child's reading at home will be celebrated in a way which they value. 

Weekly Overview - Week Beginning 2nd September 2024

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