Year 1 2024-2025
Mrs Bailey and Mrs Berry
Click on the file below to see our topics for the year:
Topic Information (Knowledge Organisers):
Reading: We expect the children to read at least three times a week for at least ten minutes each time. Please record all reading in your reading diary. An adult should sign the reading diary every time they read with their child. Reading diaries are checked first thing every Monday. 3 reads per week = 1 reading point of their reading certificate, 4 or more reads per week = 2 points on their reading certificate.
MyMaths: Weekly online My Maths homework will be set every Friday and will need to be completed by the following Friday. Online usernames and passwords will be sent home.
Phonics: Every Friday we will send home a weekly overview of the phonics taught in class. Please tick the sheet as your child practises each grapheme, spelling and tricky word and return by the following Friday.
Year 1 Weekly Timetable:
Week Beginning 10.2.25 |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Session 1 |
Phonics English - Whatever Next! |
Phonics English - Whatever Next! |
Phonics English - Whatever Next! |
Phonics - Dictated sentence
Phonics - Dictated sentence |
Session 2 |
Maths - Addition and Subtraction within 20 Reading |
Maths - Addition and Subtraction within 20 Reading |
Maths - Addition and Subtraction within 20 Reading |
Maths - Addition and Subtraction within 20 Reading |
Maths - Addition and Subtraction within 20 Reading |
Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | |
Session 3 |
Mastering Number History |
Mastering Number Computing |
Mastering Number PE - Fitness |
Mastering Number RE
Mastering Number Science |
Session 4 |
PE -Gymnastics |
Art - Vincent van Gogh and Georgia O'Keeffe |
Music |
Science Healthy Hermitage |